Published Journal Papers:

  • Linsey, J., Markman, A., and Wood, K., 2012, “Design by Analogy: A Study of the WordTree Method for Problem Re-Representation,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 134(4), pp. 041009-1-12,

Conference Papers:

  • Oriakhi, E., Linsey, J., and Peng, X., 2011, “Design-by-Analogy Using the WordTree Method and an Automated WordTree Generating Tool,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Linsey, J., Markman, A., and Wood, K., 2008, “WordTrees: A Method for Design-by-Analogy,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Pittsburg, PA.
  • Linsey, J., Wood, K., and Markman, A., 2008, “Increasing Innovation: Presentation and Evaluation of the WordTree Design-by-Analogy Method,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)-Design Theory and Methodology Conference, New York, NY