Book Chapters:
- Hilton, E., Williford+, B., Li, W., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2019, “Chapter 9: Teaching Engineering Students Freehand Sketching with an Intelligent Tutoring System.” In Hammond, T., Prasad, M., and Stepanova, A., Inspiring Students through Digital Ink: Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education, pp. 135-148, ISBN: 9783030173975.
- Williford+, B., Taele+, P., Nelligan+, T., Li, W., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2016, “PerSketchTivity: An Intelligent Pen-Based Educational Application for Design Sketching Instruction,” In Hammond, T., Valentine+, S., and Adler, A., Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink, Springer, pp. 115-128, ISBN: 9783319311913.
- Polsley+, S., Ray+, J., Nelligan+, T., Helms, M., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2016, “Leveraging Trends in Student Interaction to Enhance the Effectiveness of Sketch-Based Educational Software,” In Hammond, T., Valentine+, S., and Adler, A., Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink, Springer, pp. 103-115, ISBN: 9783319311913.
Published Journal Papers:
- Weaver, M. B., Hilton, E., Douglas, K., and Linsey, J., 2024, “Insights into Designers’ Sketching: A Study of Predictors of Sketching Behavior in Design,” Design Science,
- Merzdorf, H. E., Jaison+, D., Weaver, M., Zakharov+, W., Linsey, J., Hammond, T., and Douglas, K.A., year, “Sketching Assessment in Engineering Education: A Systematic Literature Review,” Journal of Engineering Education,
- Hammond, T., Kumar+, S., Runyon+, M., Cherian+, J., Williford+, B., Keshavabhotla+, S., Valentine, S., Li, W., and Linsey, J., 2018, “It’s Not Just About Accuracy: Metrics that Matter when Modeling Expert Sketching Ability,” ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TIIS), 8(3), Article 19,
- Vermillion+, S., Malak, J., Smallman, R., and Linsey, J., 2015, “A Study on Outcome Framing and Risk Attitude in Engineering Decisions Under Uncertainty,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 137(8), pp. 084501-1-4,
Conference Papers:
- Williford+, B., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2020, “Exploring the Potential of an Intelligent Tutoring System for Sketching Fundamentals,” 2020 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’20), Honolulu, HI.
- Williford+, B., Runyon+, M., Cherian, J., Li., W., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2019, “A Framework for Motivating Sketching Practice with Sketch-based Gameplay,” CHI Play, Barcelona, Spain.
- Williford+, B., Runyon+, M., Malla+, A. H., Li, W., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2017, “ZenSketch: A Sketch-based Game for Improving Line Work,” CHI Play, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Merzdorf, H., Jaison+, D., Ray+, S., Stepanova, S., Viswanathan, V., Krishnamurthy, V., Li, W., Linsey, J., Hammond, T., and Douglas, K., 2023, “Sketchtivity, an Intelligent Sketch Tutoring Software: Broadening Applications and Impact,” ASEE 2023 Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, MD.
- Merzdorf+, H. E., Jaison+, D., Hammond, T., Linsey, J., and Douglas, K., 2023, “Expert Feedback on Engineering Sketching Skills for Object Assembly Tasks,” Frontiers in Education, College Station, TX.
- Weaver, M., Merzdorf, H., Ray, S., Jaison, D., Viswanathan, V., Krishnamurthy, V., Douglas, K., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J. 2022, “Sketchtivity, an Intelligent Sketch Tutoring Software: Broadening Applications and Impact,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
- Weaver, M., Merzdorf+, H., Jaison+, D., Viswanathan, V. K., Douglas, K., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2022, “Sketchtivity, an Intelligent Sketch Tutoring Software: Broadening Applications and Impact,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
- Merzdorf+, H., Weaver, M., Jaison+, D., Hammond, T., Linsey, J., and Douglas, K., 2021 “Sketching Assessment in Engineering Education: A Systematic Literature Review,” Frontiers in Education, Lincoln, Nebraska.
- Hilton, E., Gamble, T., Li, W., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2018, “Back to Basics: Sketching, Not CAD, is the Key to Improving Essential Engineering Design Skills,” ASME IDETC 2018-DTM, Quebec City, Canada.
- Hilton, E., Paige+, M., Williford+, B., Li, W., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2017, “Engineering Drawing for the Next Generation: Students Gaining Additional Skills in the Same Timeframe,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference- NSF poster session, Columbus, OH
- Hilton, E., Paige+, M., Williford+, B., Li, W., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2017, “Improving the Sketching Ability of Engineering Design Students,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Vancouver, Canada.
- Keshavabhotla+, S., Williford+, B., Kumar+, S., Hilton, E., Taele+, P., Li, W., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2017, “Conquering the Cube: Learning to Sketch Primitives in Perspective with an Intelligent Tutoring System,” Expressive ’17.
- Hilton, E., Williford+, B., Li, W., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2017, “Teaching Engineering Students Free-hand Sketching with an Intelligent Tutoring System,” Conference on Pen and Touch Technology in Education (CPTTE 2017), Evansville, IL.
- Li, W., Hilton, E., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2016, “Persketchtivity: An Intelligent Pen-Based Online Education Platform for Sketching Instruction,” British Computer Society Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (BCS EVA). London, England.
- Hilton, E., Li, W., Newton, S. H., Alemdar, M., Pucha, R., and Linsey, J., 2016, “The Development and Effects of Teaching Perspective Free-Hand Sketching in Engineering Design,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Charlotte, NC.
- Williford+, B., Nelligan+, T., Taele+, P., Li., W., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2015, “PerSketchTivity: An Intelligent Pen-Based Educational Application for Design Sketching Instruction,” Workshop on the Impact of Pen and Touch Technology in Education (WIPTTE) 2015, Redmond, WA.