Book Chapters:

  • Linsey, J. S., and Becker, B., 2010, “Effectiveness of Brainwriting Techniques: Comparing Nominal Groups to Real Teams,” In T. Taura and Y. Nagai (Eds.) Design Creativity 2010, Springer, pp. 165-172, ISBN:9780857292247.
  • Wood, K., and Linsey, J., 2006, “Understanding the Art of Design: Tools for the Next Edisonian Innovators,” in A. Markman and B. Ross (Eds.) The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Academic Press, 47, pp. 65-122. ISBN: 9780080469225.

Published Journal Papers:

  • Viswanathan, V., and Linsey, J., 2020, “Designing with Examples: A Study on the Role of Familiarity, Warnings and Physical Modeling,” Journal of Engineering Design,, 31 (11-12), 552-573.
  • Newton, S., Alemdar, M., Hilton, E., Linsey, J., and Fu, K., 2018, “Incorporating Industrial Design Pedagogy into a Mechanical Engineering Graphics Course: A Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER) Approach,” International Journal of STEM Education, 5(1), pp. 29-43, 10.1186/s40594-018-0122-7.
  • Tomko, M., Nelson+, J., Nagel, R., Bohm, M., and Linsey, J., 2017, “A Bridge to Systems Thinking in Engineering Design: An Examination Students’ Ability to Identify Functions at Varying Levels of Abstraction,” AIEDAM, 31(4), pp. 535-549, 10.1017/S0890060417000439.
  • Zhou+, F., Jiao, R., and Linsey, J., 2015, “Latent Customer Needs Elicitation by Use Case Analogical Reasoning from Sentiment Analysis of Online Product Reviews,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design-Special Issue on User Needs and Preferences in Engineering Design, doi: 10.1115/1.4030159, 137(7), pp. 071401-1-12.
  • Vermillion+, S., Malak, J., Smallman, R., and Linsey, J., 2015, “A Study on Outcome Framing and Risk Attitude in Engineering Decisions Under Uncertainty,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 137(8), pp. 084501-1-4,
  • Viswanathan, V., and Linsey, J., 2014, “Spanning the Complexity Chasm: A Research Method to Move from Simple to Complex Engineering Systems,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM)- Special Issue on Complex Systems,, 28(4), pp. 369-384.
  • Lucero+, B., Viswanathan, V., Linsey, J., and Turner, C., 2014, “Identifying Critical Functions for Use Across Engineering Design Domains,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, doi: 10.1115/1.4028280, 136(12), pp. 121101-1-11.
  • English, K., Naim+, A., Lewis, K., Schmidt, S., Viswanathan, V., Linsey, J., McAdams, D., Bishop+, B., Campbell, M., Poppa+, K., Stone, R., and Orsborn, S., 2010, “Impacting Designer Creativity Through IT-Enabled Concept Generation,” ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE) Special Issue on Knowledge-Based Design, 10(3), pp. 031007-1-10,
  • Linsey, J., and Viswanathan, V., 2010, “Innovation Skills for Tomorrow’s Sustainable Designers,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 26(2), pp. 451-461.
  • Kurtoglu+, T., Campbell, M., and Linsey, J., 2009, “An Experimental Study on the Effects of a Computational Design Tool on Concept Generation,” Design Studies, 30(6), pp. 676-703.

Conference Papers:

  • Pollettini Marcos+, L., Linsey, J., Alemán, M., Nagel, R., Douglas, K., and Holloway, E., 2024, “Development and Validation of Learning through Making Instrument (LMI) Project Overview,” ASEE 2024 Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR.
  • Murphy, A., Fu, K., and Linsey, J., 2023, “The Impact of Prototyping Strategies on Computer-Aided Design Behavior,” ASEE 2023 Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, MD.
  • Clay+, C., Daschil+, J., Alemán, M. W., Linsey, J., and Nagel, R., 2021, “Work in Progress: Qualitative Differences in Learning Processes and Skill Development Across Engineering Capstone Teams,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Virtual.
  • M., Banks+, H., Bohm, M., Nagel, N., and Linsey, J., 2020, “First Steps Towards the Validation of a Mental Model Elicitation Instrument in an Undergraduate Engineering Program,” Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Virtual.
  • Fish, F. J., Murphy, A. R., Banks+, H., Alemán, M., Bohm, M., Nagel, R., and Linsey, J., 2019, “Exploring Differences in Senior and Sophomore Engineering Students’ Mental Models of Common Products,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
  • Levy, B., Hilton, E., Tomko, M., and Linsey, J., 2017, “Investigating Problem Similarity through Study of Between-Subject and Within-Subject Experiments,” ASME IDETC-DTM, Cleveland, OH.
  • Telenko, C., Yee, S., Linsey, J. S., Sulchek, T., & Newstetter, W. (2016). “A Liquid Piston Engine Designette: Creative Learning in Thermodynamics,” The Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity, Atlanta, GA.
  • Linsey, J., Wessen, R., and Ziemer, J., 2016, “Observation of a Highly Innovative Group – Directions for Future Research,” The Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity, Atlanta, GA.
  • Durand, F., Helms, M., Tsenn, J., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2015, “In Search of Effective Design Problem for Design Research,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)- DTM, Boston, MA.
  • Viswanathan, V., Esposito, N., and Linsey, J., 2014, “A Study on the Factors Influencing the Usage of Environmentally Friendly Products,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Viswanathan, V., Atilola, O., Goodman, J., and Linsey, J., 2014, “Prototyping: A Key Skill for Innovation and Life-Long Learning,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Madrid, Spain.
  • Viswanathan, V., and Linsey, J., 2012, “Build to Learn: Effective Strategies to Train Tomorrow’s Designers,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
  • Esposito, N., and Linsey, J. S., 2012, “Principles of Green Design: Analyzing User Activities and Product Feedback,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Chicago, IL.
  • Viswanathan, V. K., and Linsey, J. S., 2012, “Physical Modeling in Design Projects: Development and Testing of a New Design Method,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Krager+, J., Wood, K. L., Crawford, R. H., Jensen, D., Cagan, J., Schunn, C. D., Linsey, J. S., and White, C., 2011, “Understanding Innovation: A Study of Perspectives and Perceptions in Engineering,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)-Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Washington D.C.
  • Viswanathan, V., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Understanding Physical Models in Design Cognition: A Triangulation of Qualitative and Laboratory Studies,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD.
  • Viswanathan, V., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Physical Models and Design Cognition: Triangulating Controlled Lab Studies with Industrial Case Studies,” International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD), Bangalore, India.
  • McAdams, D. A., and Linsey, J. S., 2010, “Design Education: A Globally Distributed Capstone Engineering Design Experience,” Capstone Design Conference, Boulder, CO.
  • Hernandez, N., Kremer, G., Linsey, J., and Schmidt, L., 2010, “Systematic Ideation Curriculum Effectiveness Investigation & Deployment to Enhance Design Learning,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.
  • Linsey, J., White+, C., Schmidt, K., Wood, K., and Jensen, D., 2010, “Results from the Designing Active Learning Activities and Associated Assessment Plans Workshop,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.
  • Linsey, J., 2009, “Innovation Skills for Tomorrow’s Sustainable Designers,” Mudd Design Workshop VII, Claremont, CA.
  • Linsey, J., Cobb+, B., Jensen, D., Wood, K., and Eways, S., 2006, “Methodology and Tools for Developing Hands-on Active Learning Activities,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
  • Green+, M.G., Tan+, J., Linsey, J. S., Seepersad, C. C., and Wood, K. L., 2005, “Effects of Product Usage Context on Consumer Product Preferences,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)-Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Long Beach, CA.
  • Farina+, M., Stahmer (Linsey), J., Schultz, W., and Brei, D., 2001, “Challenges in Establishing ProCEED: Program for Civic Engagement in Engineering Design,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.