Book Chapters:

  • Linsey, J. S., and Viswanathan, V. K., 2013, “Chapter 9: Overcoming Cognitive Challenges in Bioinspired Design and Analogy,” In Goel, A. K., McAdams, D. A., and Stone, R. B., (Eds.) Biologically Inspired Design: Computational Methods and Tools, Springer, pp. 221-244, ISBN: 9781–4715-248-4.

Published Journal Papers:

  • Blair+, S., Hairston+, G., Banks, H., Kaat, C., Linsey, J., and Layton, A., 2024, “Bio-inspired Human Network Diagnostics: Ecological Modularity and Nestedness as Quantitative Indicators of Human Engineered Network Function,” Systems Engineering,
  • Glier, M., Tsenn, J., Linsey, J., and McAdams, D., 2014, “Evaluating the Directed Intuitive Approach for Bioinspired Design,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, doi: 10.1115/1.4026825, 136(7), pp. 071012-1-9.
  • Glier, M., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2014, “Exploring Automated Text Classification to Improve Keyword Corpus Search Results for Bioinspired Design,” ASME Journal of Mechanical DesignSpecial Issue: Biologically-Inspired Design, 136(11), pp. 111103-1-12,

Conferences Papers:

  • Tsenn, J., Linsey, J., and McAdams, D. A., 2016, “Bioinspired Materials Design: An Assessment of Methods to Improve a Text Mining Algorithm for Identifying Biological Material Structural Design Principles,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)- DTM, Charlotte, NC.
  • Durand, F., Kim, J. W., Henao, D., Tsenn, J., McAdams, D., Linsey, J., and Helms, M., 2015, “Changing Creativity through Engineering Education and Bio-Inspired Design,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Durand, F., Helms, M., Tsenn, J., McTigue, E., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2015, “Teaching Students to Innovate: Evaluating Methods for Bioinspired Design and Their Impact on Design Self Efficacy,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)- DTM, Boston, MA.
  • Tsenn, J., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2014, “A Comparison of Mechanical Engineering and Biology Students’ Ideation and Bioinspired Design,” Design, Computing and Cognition ’14, London, UK.
  • Atilola, O., Goodman, J., Nagel, K., and Linsey, J., 2014, “A Biologically Inspired Design Approach for Low Cost Solar Panel Systems,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Buffalo, NY.
  • Tsenn, J., Linsey, J., and McAdams, D., 2014, “Development of a Search Tool to Identify Structural Design Principles for Bioinspired Materials Design,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Buffalo, NY.
  • Kim, J. W.,McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2014 , “Helping Students to Find Biological Inspiration: Impact of Valuableness and Presentation Format,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Madrid, Spain.
  • Glier, M., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2013, “An Experimental Investigation of Analogy Formation using the Engineering-to-Biology Thesaurus,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Portland, OR.
  • Glier, M., Tsenn, J., McAdams, D. A., and Linsey, J. S., 2012, “Evaluating Methods for Bioinspired Concept Generation,” Design, Computing, and Cognition ’12 (DCC’12), College Station, TX.
  • Glier, M., Tsenn, J., Linsey, J. S., and McAdams, D., 2012, “Evaluating the Directed Method for Bioinspired Design,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Chicago, IL.
  • Glier, M. W., McAdams, D. A., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Concepts in Biomimetic Design: Methods and Tools to Incorporate into a Biomimetic Design Curriculum,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Washington D.C.
  • Perez, A., and Linsey, J. S., 2011, “Identifying Product Scaling Principles: A Tool for Bioinspired Design and Beyond,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Washington D.C.
  • Perez, A. G., Linsey, J. S., Tsenn, J., and Glier, M., 2011, “Identifying Product Scaling Principles: A Step Towards Enhancing Biomimetic Design,” ASME IMECE, Denver, Colorado.
  • Glier, M., Tsenn, J., Linsey, J. S., and McAdams, D. A., 2011, “Methods for Supporting Bioinspired Design,” ASME IMECE, Denver, Colorado.
  • Green+, M., Linsey, J., Seepersad, C., Schmidt, K., and Wood, K., 2006, “Design for Frontier Contexts: Classroom Assessment of a New Design Methodology with Humanitarian Applications,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.